Three Peaks | New Zealand Manuka Honey UMF 16+ Tongariro Jar 200g
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The design of this stylish jar is inspired by the active volcano Mount Tongariro, one of the ancient Three Peaks. It takes 375 bees and eight Manuka trees to make the 200g of Manuka honey that is hand poured into it. The UMF (Unique Manuka Factor that is independently certified by the UMF Honey Association to ensure quality and authenticity) is a reference to the antibacterial quality of the honey, specifically the content of the medicinal trilogy leptosperin, dihdroxyacetone and methylglyoxl. The higher the rating, the better in terms of nutritional benefits. Three Peaks’ Manuka Honey UMF 16+ is an earthy gold colour and rich in flavour. It can be incorporated into breakfast, beverages or beauty regimes. Honey has been used as a natural remedy to heal wounds, clear skin, soothe sore throats, improve digestion, boost energy and promote health and wellness for thousands of years. Manuka honey takes this to the next level, which is why Marie Claire call it “the ultimate superfood”. Scientifically proven to contain antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it contains over 200 active compounds not found in most honeys. Three Peaks recommend a dose of one teaspoon per day. Whether you choose to spread it on your toast, spoon it into porridge or yoghurt, sweeten your tea or smoothie with it, apply it topically for skin health, or mix it into a luxurious face mask, we’ll leave entirely up to you. Manuka trees flower for just a few weeks a year in the wild volcanic plateau of New Zealand’s North Island. When all the conditions are perfectly aligned, the honey produced by bees during this period has a depth of flavour and texture that is unsurpassed. So, in a modern take on the adage “make hay while the sun shines”, Three Peaks make some of the world’s finest honey when the Manuka are in bloom. New Zealand is one of the few places in the world to have a thriving bee population, obviously Three Peaks are keen to keep it that way, which is why they only work with beekeepers for whom bee health is paramount. Based in a remote UNESCO World Heritage Site called the Tongariro National Park, sustainable land management is at the forefront of everything Three Peaks do, from restoring wetlands to protecting native species such as the Kiwi. So, this is the ultimate feel-good honey.