1839 | 麦卢卡蜂蜜
1839 Manuka Honey | Manuka Honey UMF 15+ 500g
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To retain their unique health benefits and tangy character, 1839’s natural honeys are 100% pure and receive no heat treatment whatsoever. They’re all triple churned, giving them a signature silky-smooth texture quite unlike any other. Their Manuka Honey UMF 15+ offers a powerful boost to health, wellbeing and immunity and can soothe sore throats and settle stomachs, all the while tasting utterly delicious. It also comes in a rather stylish gift box. Spread it on your toast, spoon it into porridge or yoghurt, sweeten your tea or smoothie with it, or incorporate it into your beauty regime by applying it topically or mixing it into a luxurious face mask. Honey has been used to heal wounds, clear skin, soothe sore throats, improve digestion, boost energy and promote health and wellness for millennia. Manuka honey takes this to the next level, having been scientifically proven to contain antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and over 200 active compounds not found in most honeys. The UMF – short for Unique Manuka Factor – is independently certified by the UMF Honey Association. It’s a reference to the antibacterial quality of the honey, specifically the content of Leptosperin, Dihydroxyacetone, Methylglyoxl and Hydroxymethylfurfural. Basically, the higher the rating, the greater the nutritional benefits. The authenticity and quality of Manuka honey is also verified by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries, who test for four specific chemicals and one DNA marker from the Manuka pollen. 1839 go one step further by adding a unique QR code to their packaging so that you can verify its authenticity, the hive it came from and the batch information. So, you are guaranteed that this is the good stuff. In 1839, Mary Bumby brought two beehives from England to New Zealand, introducing honey bees to those Pacific islands for the first time. Here they thrived in the unique landscape, falling in love with the prolific flowers, particularly Manuka. Inspired by this Victorian lady’s pioneering spirit, Rob McConnachie and Hannah Dobbie created 1839 to promote products from the hive and celebrate life.
  • 1839 Manuka Honey | 麦卢卡蜂蜜
  • 1839 Manuka Honey | Manuka Honey UMF 15+ 500g
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