Filorga 菲洛嘉 360度雕塑靓丽眼霜是一款全能眼霜,质地清爽,不用担心会长脂肪粒。针对眼周疲劳并且有各种问题的肌肤,NCTF能有效刺激细胞活动,改善眼周皮肤的紧致度,并且抚平细纹和干纹。独特的复合成分,能消除眼周的色素沉淀,淡化黑眼圈。三种有效的鸡尾酒配方,有利于血液和淋巴循环,消除眼袋。特有的旋转式瓶身,让每一次的使用都十分干净卫生,产品经皮肤专家在57名女性试用者测试后:70%使用者眼周细纹减轻,63%使用者的眼袋问题得到改善,61%使用者的黑眼圈得以淡化。
中文名称丨FILORGA/菲洛嘉 十全大补面膜 50ml+360靓丽眼霜 15ml
英文名称丨FILORGA Optim-Eyes 15ml
品 牌丨Filorga/菲洛嘉
规 格丨面膜 50ml+眼霜 15ml
成 分丨胶原蛋白、NCTF抗老化青春素、玻尿酸、复合护眼成分Haloxyl。
Product Introduction
360° eyes rectifier, Filorga OPTIM-EYES Eye Contour 15ml intensively works on wrinkles, puffiness and dark rings which makes the eyes look tired and distorted.
Its fresh and melty texture restructures the eye contour through a triple action:
- Anti-wrinkles: enhances the firmness of tissues and smoothes the wrinkles.
- Anti-dark rings: attenuates the dark rings by supporting the elimination of pigmented residues, responsible for the darkness of rings.
- Anti-puffiness: a cocktail of 3 active ingredients boosts the veinous and lymphatic circulation to deflate the bottom eyelid.