Made from vegan textured-leather, Vivienne Westwood’s purse is a compact design with the signature orb plaque at the centre. Looped through silver-tone hardware, the chain strap can be worn cross body or doubled up over the shoulder.

The Hut旗下轻时尚综合型电商平台
Made from vegan textured-leather, Vivienne Westwood’s purse is a compact design with the signature orb plaque at the centre. Looped through silver-tone hardware, the chain strap can be worn cross body or doubled up over the shoulder.
vivienne的设计令人赞赏的是她从传统历史服装里取材,转化为现代风格的设计手法,她不断将17、18世纪的传统服饰里的特质拿来加以演绎,以特别的手法,将街头流行成功的带入时尚的领域;还有她将苏格兰格子纹的魅力发挥的淋漓尽致,将英国魅力推到高点。从传统中找寻创作元素,将有如过时的束胸、厚底高跟鞋、经典的苏格兰格纹等设计重新发挥,又再度成为崭新的时髦流行品,无疑是Vivienne Westwood的经典作品。
Made from vegan textured-leather, Vivienne Westwood’s purse is a compact design with the signature orb plaque at the centre. Looped through silver-tone hardware, the chain strap can be worn cross body or doubled up over the shoulder.