Vitabiotics 维百莱 健脑营养片富含高级营养成分,可有效增强大脑性能。配方经过改良升级,含有丰富的5-羟色氨酸。
Advanced nutrition for brain performance. New improved formula with 5-HTP.
The brain is the most complex machine in the universe and the largest and most important part of the nervous system, it contains more than 10 billion neurons with intricate pathways linking our senses, our movements and our memory. The brain depends upon a wide supply of different nutrients that work together to ensure optimum health and performance and it consumes a massive 30% of the energy we produce from our food. Like all machines, it makes sense that what you put in affects what you get out! There are lots of things you can do to make sure you're getting the most out of your brain and to protect its long-term health.
While a generally healthy diet with an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, and the appropriate levels of protein, fats and carbohydrates will support the health of the brain, there are some nutrients that have especially beneficial effects.
Neurozan is the first 'smart capsule' to incorporate phosphatidylserine with highly concentrated DHA and other essential nutrients for brain function.
Neurozan has been formulated to help maintain different aspects of cognitive health, including brain function and performance. This unique combination of elements specially related to brain health includes phosphatidylserine, co-enzyme Q10 and highly concentrated DHA (50%).
- Phosphatidylserine
is an important component of phospholipids found in cell membranes and has numerous structural and functional roles in the nervous system. Concentrated in the brain, it helps maintain brain functions that tend to decline with age.
- Co-enzyme Q10
is a valuable nutrient, functioning as an antioxidant as well as an essential cofactor in electron transport. Co-enzyme Q10 levels tend to decline with age.
- Highly concentrated DHA (50%)
is an essential fatty acid vital to the central nervous system and for neuronal membranes.
L-Arginine is a precursor for nitric oxide, a messenger across nerve cell synapses.
- Glutamine
is used by neurones for the re-synthesis of the neurotransmitter glutamate.
- Folic Acid
is involved in neuron structure and the synthesis of S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM).
- Vitamin C
helps defend against oxidative stress in the central nervous system.
- Vitamin E
is a fat soluble antioxidant vital in defending against free radicals to which neurones are extremely sensitive.
- Zinc
is found in high concentration in certain brain neurons.
- Iron
is necessary for normal brain function, especially learning and memory.
Neurozan Capsules are free from artificial colours, gluten, preservatives, sugar, salt and yeast.
Take one capsule per day with your main meal.