Vitabiotics 维百莱 Pregnacare女性哺乳期营养补充片+深海鱼油胶囊含有产后所需的维生素和矿物质钙片和高纯度的欧米茄-3和DHA胶囊。
Dual Pack contains 56 Postnatal Vitamin & Mineral 700mg Calcium Tablets and 28 High Purity Omega-3 300mg DHA Capsules.
Pregnacare Breast-feeding is an all-in-one pack, uniquely formulated with key specific ingredients for the postnatal period, including extra calcium and essential fatty acids. Maternal breast-feeding is strongly recommended for the newborn baby as it provides essential nutrients and antibodies for long term health. Certain nutrients can play an important role during lactation and production of milk for your baby.
Why take Pregnacare Breast-feeding?
- The formula provides the ideal follow-on product for mums after childbirth, as part of the complete Pregnacare, range from conception to breast-feeding.
- Pregnacare Breast-feeding is a carefully balanced comprehensive formulation of micronutrients to help safeguard healthy milk production in women including specific supporting nutrients e.g. calcium, and vitamins D3 and K.
- Pregnacare Breast-feeding can also be taken as a general postnatal supplement for 6-9 months following childbirth, to replace depleted nutrients and assist the body following pregnancy, even if you are not breast-feeding.
- For mothers who avoid dairy products, the formula also contains calcium to help maintain bone health.
- Intake recommendations of certain nutrients are increased during lactation. Pregnacare Breast-feeding contains the recommended 10mcg vitamin D3, the full RNI of 700mg calcium and 300mg DHA, the recommended level for lactation.
Careful support without excessive levels
Pregnacare Breast-feeding has been specially formulated by experts to provide sensible, balanced levels of vitamins and minerals. All ingredients have been included on the basis of scientific research with ideal amounts for pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Pregnacare Breast-feeding provides:
- 700mg calcium, plus magnesium and vitamin D3 which are also important for healthy bone development.
- Iron, B complex to help support new blood formation following labour and for energy release at a time when there are considerable demands on a new mum.
- Specific micronutrients to help safeguard a mum’s nutrition while breast-feeding.
Each capsule provides 300mg DHA, the level recommended by international experts for mums during lactation.
- DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) supplied from the mother’s breast milk plays an essential role in the new baby’s brain and eye development. Infants have limited capability to synthesize fatty acids, which therefore must be obtained direct from
external sources such as the mother’s milk.
- During breast-feeding, the infant’s brain continues to take up DHA and 15% of brain growth occurs after birth. DHA is required for optimum brain function and signalling and learning ability in later life.
- Contains the purest pharmaceutical grade fish oil, produced in Norway.
Free from artificial colours, preservatives, salt, yeast, gluten and lactose.
Take two Pregnacare Breast-feeding tablets plus one Omega-3 Capsule per day.
Pregnacare Breast-Feeding post-natal micronutrients tablets contain:
Vitamin D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, K, Folic Acid, Patothenic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Selenium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iodine, Copper, Biotin, Betacarotene.
Pregnacare Omega 3 capsules contain:
Omega-3 Fish Oils DHA, EPA.