Elizabeth Arden | Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿 水颜保湿眼霜 15ml
温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 产品介绍 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿 水颜保湿眼霜,深入细胞底层,激活细胞水活动力,有效去除黑眼圈,并针对眼部娇嫩肌肤特质。补水、锁水,强化眼周肌肤储水能力,令双眼时刻明眸亮采。对于最为较弱的眼周肌肤的护理更是不可忽略的,需温柔细心的呵护。水颜保湿眼霜,为眼周肌肤补充水分,令其时刻莹润饱满,惊喜于眼部每日的改变。适合所有皮肤类型,并建议日常使用。 ○ 规格:15ml ○ 品牌:Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿 产品特点 PRODUCT FEATURES ○ 专利科技――植物凝水因子,缓解眼周肌肤干燥。 ○ 萃取大豆蛋白精华,促进新陈代谢。 功能概述 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ○ 缓解长期面对电子屏导致的眼周肌肤干燥,保持眼部肌肤长期水润平滑。 ○ 促进眼周肌肤新陈代谢,逐步淡化黑眼圈和干纹细纹。 ○ 建立防御屏障,为眼周肌肤低于光污染。 主要成份 MAIN COMPONENTS ○ 大豆蛋白精华 ○ 榛果精华 ○ 植物凝水因子 ○ 甘油 ○ 透明质酸钠 适用人群 SUITABLE FOR 适合于任何肌肤人群。 使用方法 HOW TO USE 取米粒大小眼霜于无名指上,围绕眼部轻拍至充分吸收。 注意事项 ATTENTION ○ 请严格按照说明使用; ○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用; ○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方; ○ 请存放于避光、干燥、温度不高于25摄氏度处; ○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。 The delicate skin around your eyes craves moisture and is an important area to treat daily. This multi-benefit eye cream helps prevent moisture loss and maintain your skin’s optimal moisture balance as it targets dark circles under eyes. Start caring for the skin around your eyes today and you’ll reap the rewards later. The skin here is delicate and needs just the right amount of moisture. The unique blend of tried and proven ingredients in Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Moisturizing Eye Cream work deep within the skin’s surface layers and complements your skin’s own moisturising process. The eye area is left looking fresh and smooth. This treatment is suitable for all skin types and is recommended for daily use. Best for: All skin types. Directions: Pat Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Moisturizing Eye Cream gently around your eye area. Ingredients: Active ingredients: - Retinyl Linoleate: A gentle patented retinol derivative that softens the appearance of fine lines and gives your skin a radiant look. - Advanced Filagrinol Complex: This blend of botanical extracts helps boost your skin’s own Natural Moisturising Factor and provides an influx of moisture to the delicate skin around the eyes. - Peptides: Helps improve elasticity, resiliency and firmness and increase collagen production. - Haloxyl™: A peptide complex that helps minimise the appearance of dark circles. - Vitamin C Derivative: Helps brighten the appearance of skin under your eyes. - Tocopherol Acetate: This Vitamin E derivative has antioxidant properties to provide free radical protection and help condition and restore skin. - Moisturising Liposomes: Sodium PCA and amino acids encapsulated in a liposome delivery system to provide moisturisation benefits. - Glycerin: Provides optimum hydration to replenish and revitalise your skin’s appearance.
Elizabeth Arden
Elizabeth Arden
橘灿精华 50ml
金致胶囊精华液 90粒
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules with Retinol (Various Sizes)
Elizabeth Arden 金致胶囊精华液 (90粒, 总价值 $120)
金胶时空焕活精华液胶囊 90粒 面部 |包邮 【Z洛杉矶直发】
金致胶囊精华液 60粒
视黄醇烟酰胺抗老修护夜间精华 - 30粒
伊丽莎白·雅顿 橘灿2.0 50ML |包邮【香港直发】
绿茶蜂蜜身体乳 250ml
时空焕活夜间多效视黄醇胶囊精华 (粉胶) 60粒 |包邮 【Z洛杉矶直发】
眼部金胶 60个
绿茶身体乳 480g|包邮【Z洛杉矶直发】

    Elizabeth Arden | Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿 水颜保湿眼霜 15ml

    Elizabeth Arden | Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿 水颜保湿眼霜 15ml

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    温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 产品介绍 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿 水颜保湿眼霜,深入细胞底层,激活细胞水活动力,有效去除黑眼圈,并针对眼部娇嫩肌肤特质。补水、锁水,强化眼周肌肤储水能力,令双眼时刻明眸亮采。对于最为较弱的眼周肌肤的护理更是不可忽略的,需温柔细心的呵护。水颜保湿眼霜,为眼周肌肤补充水分,令其时刻莹润饱满,惊喜于眼部每日的改变。适合所有皮肤类型,并建议日常使用。 ○ 规格:15ml ○ 品牌:Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白雅顿 产品特点 PRODUCT FEATURES ○ 专利科技――植物凝水因子,缓解眼周肌肤干燥。 ○ 萃取大豆蛋白精华,促进新陈代谢。 功能概述 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ○ 缓解长期面对电子屏导致的眼周肌肤干燥,保持眼部肌肤长期水润平滑。 ○ 促进眼周肌肤新陈代谢,逐步淡化黑眼圈和干纹细纹。 ○ 建立防御屏障,为眼周肌肤低于光污染。 主要成份 MAIN COMPONENTS ○ 大豆蛋白精华 ○ 榛果精华 ○ 植物凝水因子 ○ 甘油 ○ 透明质酸钠 适用人群 SUITABLE FOR 适合于任何肌肤人群。 使用方法 HOW TO USE 取米粒大小眼霜于无名指上,围绕眼部轻拍至充分吸收。 注意事项 ATTENTION ○ 请严格按照说明使用; ○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用; ○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方; ○ 请存放于避光、干燥、温度不高于25摄氏度处; ○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。 The delicate skin around your eyes craves moisture and is an important area to treat daily. This multi-benefit eye cream helps prevent moisture loss and maintain your skin’s optimal moisture balance as it targets dark circles under eyes. Start caring for the skin around your eyes today and you’ll reap the rewards later. The skin here is delicate and needs just the right amount of moisture. The unique blend of tried and proven ingredients in Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Moisturizing Eye Cream work deep within the skin’s surface layers and complements your skin’s own moisturising process. The eye area is left looking fresh and smooth. This treatment is suitable for all skin types and is recommended for daily use. Best for: All skin types. Directions: Pat Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Moisturizing Eye Cream gently around your eye area. Ingredients: Active ingredients: - Retinyl Linoleate: A gentle patented retinol derivative that softens the appearance of fine lines and gives your skin a radiant look. - Advanced Filagrinol Complex: This blend of botanical extracts helps boost your skin’s own Natural Moisturising Factor and provides an influx of moisture to the delicate skin around the eyes. - Peptides: Helps improve elasticity, resiliency and firmness and increase collagen production. - Haloxyl™: A peptide complex that helps minimise the appearance of dark circles. - Vitamin C Derivative: Helps brighten the appearance of skin under your eyes. - Tocopherol Acetate: This Vitamin E derivative has antioxidant properties to provide free radical protection and help condition and restore skin. - Moisturising Liposomes: Sodium PCA and amino acids encapsulated in a liposome delivery system to provide moisturisation benefits. - Glycerin: Provides optimum hydration to replenish and revitalise your skin’s appearance.
    伊丽莎白·雅顿品牌, 1910年,伊丽莎白·雅顿夫人怀着自己的美丽梦想,凭着6千美元在纽约第五大道开设了一家全方位的美容沙龙,也就是日后闻名于世的红门沙龙。红门沙龙是提倡全身美容保健概念的先驱,雅顿女士也是将全系列护肤品与彩妆品推介给美国女性的人。
    Elizabeth Arden
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