NUXE | NUXE 欧树 嫩白营养紧致眼霜 15ml
温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 产品介绍 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION NUXE 欧树 嫩白营养紧致眼霜,这款抗衰老晚霜含有藏红花和九重葛双花细胞成分,能够有效对抗皱纹,皮肤松弛,黑斑,浮肿和黑眼圈等现象。同时使眼睛周围的皮肤变得光滑柔软。 ○ 规格:15ml ○ 品牌:NUXE 欧树 产品特点 PRODUCT FEATURES ○ 含有藏红花和九重葛双花细胞成分; ○ 橙花,覆盆子和檀香清香; 功能概述 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ○ 有效对抗皱纹,皮肤松弛,黑斑,浮肿和黑眼圈等现象; ○ 使眼睛周围的皮肤变得光滑柔软; 主要成分 MAIN COMPONENTS ○ 藏红花 ○ 九重葛双花细胞 适用人群 SUITABLE FOR ○ 适合所有肌肤类型。 使用方法 HOW TO USE ○ 在早晚洁肤后,用无名指取绿豆大小的眼霜,两个无名指指腹相互揉搓,给眼霜加温,使之更容易被肌肤吸收。 注意事项 ATTENTION ○ 请严格按照说明使用; ○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用; ○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方; ○ 请存放于避光、干燥、温度不高于25摄氏度处; ○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。 NUXE Nuxuriance Ultra Global Anti-Ageing Eye and Lip Cream with Saffron and Bougainvillea Bi-floral Cells acts on wrinkles, slackening of the skin, dark spots, puffiness and dark circles. The skin around the eyes and lips is smoothed and softened. Wrinkles are reduced. Contains at least 94% ingredients of natural origin (including Saffron and Bougainvillea Bi-Floral Cells and Botanical Caffeine). Paraben-free. Special scent for the delicate skin around the eyes and lips. Directions: Apply NUXE Nuxuriance Ultra Global Anti-Ageing Eye and Lip Cream in the morning and/or evening to the skin around your eyes and lips. Dispense one pump of product and distribute it between the middle fingers of each hand. Use your middle finger to smooth your lower and upper eyelids, working towards the outside and maintaining an upward pressure for 3 seconds on the temples. Repeat 3 times. Pinch both eyebrows simultaneously. Repeat the process, working towards the outer side of the eye. Repeat 3 times. Use your middle finger to smooth your top and bottom lips, first in one direction and then the other. Then pull the corners of your lips upwards and maintain the pressure for 3 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
NUXE是法国纯植物美容品牌,创立于1957年。NUXE崇尚自然,创立伊始便坚持独创,注重优选成分,不一味追逐潮流,成为天然美学的领导品牌。 NUXE结合现代科技和植物及芳香精油能量,创造出蕴含丰富天然活性成份的温和护肤产品,细腻柔滑,精致优雅,让用户感受源于大自然的轻松舒畅。
欧树万能油 100ml
神奇护理油 50ml
润护唇膏 (4g)
蜂蜜洁面凝胶 400ml
NUXE Reve De Miel Lip Stick (4g Stick)
NUXE Huile Prodigieuse Or Golden Shimmer Multi-Purpose Dry Oil 100ml
蜂胶洁面凝胶 (200ml)
NUXE Huile Prodigieuse Multi-Purpose Dry Oil 50ml
NUXE Men Multi-Use Shower Gel 200Ml
NUXE Huile Prodigieuse Florale Multi-Purpose Dry Oil 100ml
魅力凝肌抗皱面霜 50ml

    NUXE | NUXE 欧树 嫩白营养紧致眼霜 15ml

    NUXE | NUXE 欧树 嫩白营养紧致眼霜 15ml

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    温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 产品介绍 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION NUXE 欧树 嫩白营养紧致眼霜,这款抗衰老晚霜含有藏红花和九重葛双花细胞成分,能够有效对抗皱纹,皮肤松弛,黑斑,浮肿和黑眼圈等现象。同时使眼睛周围的皮肤变得光滑柔软。 ○ 规格:15ml ○ 品牌:NUXE 欧树 产品特点 PRODUCT FEATURES ○ 含有藏红花和九重葛双花细胞成分; ○ 橙花,覆盆子和檀香清香; 功能概述 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ○ 有效对抗皱纹,皮肤松弛,黑斑,浮肿和黑眼圈等现象; ○ 使眼睛周围的皮肤变得光滑柔软; 主要成分 MAIN COMPONENTS ○ 藏红花 ○ 九重葛双花细胞 适用人群 SUITABLE FOR ○ 适合所有肌肤类型。 使用方法 HOW TO USE ○ 在早晚洁肤后,用无名指取绿豆大小的眼霜,两个无名指指腹相互揉搓,给眼霜加温,使之更容易被肌肤吸收。 注意事项 ATTENTION ○ 请严格按照说明使用; ○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用; ○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方; ○ 请存放于避光、干燥、温度不高于25摄氏度处; ○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。 NUXE Nuxuriance Ultra Global Anti-Ageing Eye and Lip Cream with Saffron and Bougainvillea Bi-floral Cells acts on wrinkles, slackening of the skin, dark spots, puffiness and dark circles. The skin around the eyes and lips is smoothed and softened. Wrinkles are reduced. Contains at least 94% ingredients of natural origin (including Saffron and Bougainvillea Bi-Floral Cells and Botanical Caffeine). Paraben-free. Special scent for the delicate skin around the eyes and lips. Directions: Apply NUXE Nuxuriance Ultra Global Anti-Ageing Eye and Lip Cream in the morning and/or evening to the skin around your eyes and lips. Dispense one pump of product and distribute it between the middle fingers of each hand. Use your middle finger to smooth your lower and upper eyelids, working towards the outside and maintaining an upward pressure for 3 seconds on the temples. Repeat 3 times. Pinch both eyebrows simultaneously. Repeat the process, working towards the outer side of the eye. Repeat 3 times. Use your middle finger to smooth your top and bottom lips, first in one direction and then the other. Then pull the corners of your lips upwards and maintain the pressure for 3 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
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