

商品Charlotte Tilbury|Charlotte Tilbury 四色眼影盘 exagger eyes,价格¥394,第1张图片详细描述
温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 产品介绍 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Charlotte Tilbury 四色眼影盘,可以让你的眼睛变得更大,更明亮,更有神;该眼影盘可以通过不同的色彩搭配,让眼妆看起来更加完美自然,每一个精细着色的色调,都让眼睛看起来更加明亮 ○ 规格:5.2g ○ 品牌:Charlotte Tilbury 产品特点 PRODUCT FEATURES ○ 珠光效果,可以让你的眼睛变得更大,更明亮,更有神 ○ 通过不同的色彩搭配,让眼妆看起来更加完美自然 ○ 粉质细腻,性价比极高 功能概述 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ○ 矿物原料,轻松涂抹,持久不脱妆 ○ 不易飞粉,过渡自然,很好晕染出层次感 ○ 珠光和哑光的搭配,双眸闪耀迷人 适用人群 SUITABLE FOR ○ 所有肤质 使用方法 HOW TO USE ○ 首先,用眼影盘的妆前打底粉在眼睑上打底,以便眼妆能更持久,更容易上色;然后可以用带有珠光的玫瑰金色在靠近眼线的部位涂抹,让眼睛看起来更加有神;或者使用粉红金色装饰眼部妆容;后可以用高光在眼角处提亮即可 注意事项 ATTENTION ○ 避免本产品直接触及眼睛,如进入眼内,请立即用清水冲洗 ○ 外用产品不可食用 ○ 请放在儿童无法触及的地方 ○ 如发现皮肤有任何不适请立即停止使用 ○ 使用后请盖紧盖子 Charlotte Tilbury Bigger Brighter Eyes Luxury Eye Palette Exaggereyes - a filter palette to morph your eyes into their biggest, brightest, most sparkling eyes ever. Inspired by the sparkling, eye-widening filters of social media, this palette is colour curated and coded to make your eyes look instantly bigger and brighter, as well as putting what Charlotte famously calls the ‘lights-into-the-eyes.’ Charlotte has de-codified the application into an easy PRIME, ENLARGE, DEFINE and POP sequence, with each micro-finely pigmented shadow colour-formulated to give the optical illusion of widening, brightening and playing with the light in specific areas after application. Technology: - Charlotte Tilbury’s Lightplay - Charlotte Tilbury’s Eye Colour Crystal Contrast This is the ultimate universal palette inspired by Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, Gigi Hadid… Directions: Prime - A warm, eye-brightening ivory-cream which reflects light and gives the effect of broadening the whole eye area. When this technique is applied to the inner corners of the eye, it eye-widens! Enlarge -This lightly contouring, rose-gold shade gives a lifting effect to the socket, and can be built up or washed across the eye lightly depending on the radius of the eye. Define - A defining, colour-contrasting universal reddish-brown that adds instant definition to the lash-line and makes the eyes look brighter. Pop - A wash of transparent sparkle that can be used in targeted areas with a technique that will eye-widen and eye-brighten throughout the day.
商品Charlotte Tilbury|Charlotte Tilbury 四色眼影盘 exagger eyes,价格¥394,第5张图片详细描述
Charlotte Tilbury
Charlotte Tilbury

由英国著名彩妆师Charlotte Tilbury在2013年创立的同名品牌。Charlotee Tilbury把超过20年当彩妆师的经验投入到产品开发,几乎每样产品都受到大家的喜爱。她在创立自己的品牌前是Tom Ford的首席彩妆师,所以她的产品和Tom Ford有些相似之处,除此之外,奢华复古低调华丽的包装也非常吸引人。

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Charlotte Tilbury 四色眼影盘 exagger eyes商品第2缩略图预览
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    Charlotte Tilbury 四色眼影盘 exagger eyes

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    商品Charlotte Tilbury|Charlotte Tilbury 四色眼影盘 exagger eyes,价格¥394详情, 第1张图片描述
    温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 产品介绍 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Charlotte Tilbury 四色眼影盘,可以让你的眼睛变得更大,更明亮,更有神;该眼影盘可以通过不同的色彩搭配,让眼妆看起来更加完美自然,每一个精细着色的色调,都让眼睛看起来更加明亮 ○ 规格:5.2g ○ 品牌:Charlotte Tilbury 产品特点 PRODUCT FEATURES ○ 珠光效果,可以让你的眼睛变得更大,更明亮,更有神 ○ 通过不同的色彩搭配,让眼妆看起来更加完美自然 ○ 粉质细腻,性价比极高 功能概述 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ○ 矿物原料,轻松涂抹,持久不脱妆 ○ 不易飞粉,过渡自然,很好晕染出层次感 ○ 珠光和哑光的搭配,双眸闪耀迷人 适用人群 SUITABLE FOR ○ 所有肤质 使用方法 HOW TO USE ○ 首先,用眼影盘的妆前打底粉在眼睑上打底,以便眼妆能更持久,更容易上色;然后可以用带有珠光的玫瑰金色在靠近眼线的部位涂抹,让眼睛看起来更加有神;或者使用粉红金色装饰眼部妆容;后可以用高光在眼角处提亮即可 注意事项 ATTENTION ○ 避免本产品直接触及眼睛,如进入眼内,请立即用清水冲洗 ○ 外用产品不可食用 ○ 请放在儿童无法触及的地方 ○ 如发现皮肤有任何不适请立即停止使用 ○ 使用后请盖紧盖子 Charlotte Tilbury Bigger Brighter Eyes Luxury Eye Palette Exaggereyes - a filter palette to morph your eyes into their biggest, brightest, most sparkling eyes ever. Inspired by the sparkling, eye-widening filters of social media, this palette is colour curated and coded to make your eyes look instantly bigger and brighter, as well as putting what Charlotte famously calls the ‘lights-into-the-eyes.’ Charlotte has de-codified the application into an easy PRIME, ENLARGE, DEFINE and POP sequence, with each micro-finely pigmented shadow colour-formulated to give the optical illusion of widening, brightening and playing with the light in specific areas after application. Technology: - Charlotte Tilbury’s Lightplay - Charlotte Tilbury’s Eye Colour Crystal Contrast This is the ultimate universal palette inspired by Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, Gigi Hadid… Directions: Prime - A warm, eye-brightening ivory-cream which reflects light and gives the effect of broadening the whole eye area. When this technique is applied to the inner corners of the eye, it eye-widens! Enlarge -This lightly contouring, rose-gold shade gives a lifting effect to the socket, and can be built up or washed across the eye lightly depending on the radius of the eye. Define - A defining, colour-contrasting universal reddish-brown that adds instant definition to the lash-line and makes the eyes look brighter. Pop - A wash of transparent sparkle that can be used in targeted areas with a technique that will eye-widen and eye-brighten throughout the day.
    商品Charlotte Tilbury|Charlotte Tilbury 四色眼影盘 exagger eyes,价格¥394详情, 第5张图片描述





    Charlotte Tilbury品牌, 由英国著名彩妆师Charlotte Tilbury在2013年创立的同名品牌。Charlotee Tilbury把超过20年当彩妆师的经验投入到产品开发,几乎每样产品都受到大家的喜爱。她在创立自己的品牌前是Tom Ford的首席彩妆师,所以她的产品和Tom Ford有些相似之处,除此之外,奢华复古低调华丽的包装也非常吸引人。
    Charlotte Tilbury
    Charlotte Tilbury
    由英国著名彩妆师Charlotte Tilbury在2013年创立的同名品牌。Charlotee Tilbury把超过20年当彩妆师的经验投入到产品开发,几乎每样产品都受到大家的喜爱。她在创立自己的品牌前是Tom Ford的首席彩妆师,所以她的产品和Tom Ford有些相似之处,除此之外,奢华复古低调华丽的包装也非常吸引人。
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