Knee-high boots were the height of fashion in the swinging ‘60s, and we’re seeing a return to the vintage-inspired silhouette this season thanks to brands like Stuart Weitzman. The New York label creates a dramatic silhouette with this pair, which is cut from supple leather and perched atop a stiletto heel.
Stuart Weitzman
Stuart Weitzman
斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart Weitzman) 是高端鞋履品牌,是明星红毯秀上常见的鞋。设计师斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart A. Weitzman) 1942年出生,是斯图尔特·韦茨曼鞋履公司的创始人和设计师。斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart A. Weitzman) 品牌鞋履,著名的是使用独特的材质 (如:软木、树脂、壁纸、24K金、钻石等) 以及对细节的关注,使设计师和他的鞋履扬名全球。瘦腿效果超群的5050长靴更是有神靴的美誉。
Knee-high boots were the height of fashion in the swinging ‘60s, and we’re seeing a return to the vintage-inspired silhouette this season thanks to brands like Stuart Weitzman. The New York label creates a dramatic silhouette with this pair, which is cut from supple leather and perched atop a stiletto heel.