

商场清仓无法退换,140 ml
商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803,第1张图片详细描述
商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803,第3张图片详细描述商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803,第4张图片详细描述商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803,第5张图片详细描述商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803,第6张图片详细描述商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803,第7张图片详细描述
商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803,第9张图片详细描述
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During the day, the skin uses all of its energy fighting and protecting itself against external stress factors. It is at night, when the skin is sheltered from stress, that the natural skin repair processes are activated. Night-time is the optimal time for skin regeneration to effectively fight against the visible signs of ageing, and this is at the heart of the expertise of the Sisley Supremya Collection.

The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion is the prelude to the Supremya At Night ritual to prepare the skin at the surface and improve its receptiveness to subsequent regenerating skin care products.

It is an essential and highly sensory step in the night-time skincare routine to awaken the power of night, with three actions: 1. Intensely moisturises

A combination of moisturising key ingredients prepares the skin for the subsequent skin care ritual to encourage optimal absorption of the ingredients. The skin is intensely hydrated, softer and more radiant. 2. Stimulates and tones

This product improves skin's receptiveness to the benefits of the Supremÿa skin care. The skin is revitalised and toned. 3. Activates the nocturnal mechanisms

Infuses the skin with key anti-ageing ingredients to activate the nocturnal mechanisms and therefore initiate the regenerating power of the Supremÿa At Night ritual. The face is visibly refreshed and rested; the skin appears regenerated. Innovative and ultra-sensory, its silky hydrating texture creates a sensation of freshness on the skin, leaving a velvety glowy finish on the skin's surface. The subtle signature floral notes of Supremya – Damask Rose, Magnolia and Geranium – offer an olfactory bouquet for a moment of absolute well-being.

The glass bottle was designed to be recyclable.

£1092.86 per 750.00ml



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    Sisley | Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml

  • 价格
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  • 服务
    • 英国商家
    • 海外运输
    • 海关清关
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  • 说明
    • 此商品由 Harvey Nichols 发货并提供售后服务
    • 此商品不提供国内购物发票
    • 根据中国海关总署要求,您所购买的商品清关入境需要提供身份证信息进行入境申报,请您配合。我们不会向第三方泄露您的资料,请您放心
  • 描述

    During the day, the skin uses all of its energy fighting and protecting itself against external stress factors. It is at night, when the skin is sheltered from stress, that the natural skin repair processes are activated. Night-time is the optimal time for skin regeneration to effectively fight against the visible signs of ageing, and this is at the heart of the expertise of the Sisley Supremya Collection.
    The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion is the prelude to the Supremya At Night ritual to prepare the skin at the surface and improve its receptiveness to subsequent regenerating skin care products.
    It is an essential and highly sensory step in the night-time skincare routine to awaken the power of night, with three actions: 1. Intensely moisturises
    A combination of moisturising key ingredients prepares the skin for the subsequent skin care ritual to encourage optimal absorption of the ingredients. The skin is intensely hydrated, softer and more radiant. 2. Stimulates and tones
    This product improves skin's receptiveness to the benefits of the Supremÿa skin care. The skin is revitalised and toned. 3. Activates the nocturnal mechanisms
    Infuses the skin with key anti-ageing ingredients to activate the nocturnal mechanisms and therefore initiate the regenerating power of the Supremÿa At Night ritual. The face is visibly refreshed and rested; the skin appears regenerated. Innovative and ultra-sensory, its silky hydrating texture creates a sensation of freshness on the skin, leaving a velvety glowy finish on the skin's surface. The subtle signature floral notes of Supremya – Damask Rose, Magnolia and Geranium – offer an olfactory bouquet for a moment of absolute well-being.
    The glass bottle was designed to be recyclable.
    £1092.86 per 750.00ml

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    商场清仓无法退换140 ml
    商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803详情, 第1张图片描述
    商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803详情, 第3张图片描述
    商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803详情, 第4张图片描述
    商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803详情, 第5张图片描述
    商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803详情, 第6张图片描述
    商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803详情, 第7张图片描述
    商品Sisley|Supremya At Night The Supreme Anti-Ageing Skin Care Lotion 140ml,价格¥1803详情, 第9张图片描述





    希思黎品牌, sisley诞生于充满浪漫气息的法国,在1976年由法国修伯特.多纳诺伯爵创立,以当时欧洲的植物美容学为基础,成功地研创出来的植物性护肤品牌。在全球享有盛誉,是护肤品中尊贵与优雅的经典代表。sisley所有产品均以植物萃取精华与植物香精油作为主要成分,配以独特配方研制而成,并坚持产品在上市前必须经过300名皮肤科医师的测试,包装上必须名符其实地被许可标示“经过敏与敏感测试”及出自法国原厂。
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