Tiziana Terenzi蜡烛|31.74 oz. Tempel Red Cylindrical Candle
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Just like these grandiose mysteries, the creation to which this comet offers the name, opens with a delicate, yet at the same time, opulent head. Rare and precious Japanese Lily of the Valley embraces the fleshiness of Magnolia and the hypnotic force of Narcissus. This unattainable Japanese Lily of the Valley oil is the element that binds the entire creation together, from its head, through its heart, to its base. Under the fragrance of the Lily of the Valley beats a heart of regal Cambodia Oudh that makes the fragrance intense and sensual. The creation is based on an opulent and intense base, where once again we find Oudh, this time a very rare Indian one, emphasized by the seductive and aphrodisiac power of Ambergris. Tempel is a fragrance of regal and precious character, ideal for true connoisseurs of natural and precious Oudh oils and attracted by the hypnotic beauty of priceless flowers and the seductive power of amber. A stellar composition that will make you shine bright and give you an air of hypnotic beauty.

    Tiziana Terenzi | Tiziana Terenzi蜡烛|31.74 oz. Tempel Red Cylindrical Candle

    Tiziana Terenzi | 31.74 oz. Tempel Red Cylindrical Candle

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    Just like these grandiose mysteries, the creation to which this comet offers the name, opens with a delicate, yet at the same time, opulent head. Rare and precious Japanese Lily of the Valley embraces the fleshiness of Magnolia and the hypnotic force of Narcissus. This unattainable Japanese Lily of the Valley oil is the element that binds the entire creation together, from its head, through its heart, to its base. Under the fragrance of the Lily of the Valley beats a heart of regal Cambodia Oudh that makes the fragrance intense and sensual. The creation is based on an opulent and intense base, where once again we find Oudh, this time a very rare Indian one, emphasized by the seductive and aphrodisiac power of Ambergris. Tempel is a fragrance of regal and precious character, ideal for true connoisseurs of natural and precious Oudh oils and attracted by the hypnotic beauty of priceless flowers and the seductive power of amber. A stellar composition that will make you shine bright and give you an air of hypnotic beauty.
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