An antiaging treatment especially for the eye area. It expertly restores elasticity and firmness, and reduces wrinkles and sagging, restoring a youthful vitality to maturing skin.
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An antiaging treatment especially for the eye area. It expertly restores elasticity and firmness, and reduces wrinkles and sagging, restoring a youthful vitality to maturing skin.
资生堂(Shiseido ),是日本著名的化妆品品牌。取名源自中文《易经》中的“至哉坤元,万物资生”,资生堂的涵义为孕育新生命,创造新价值。“至哉坤元,万物资生”意为“赞美大地的美德,她哺育了新的生命,创造了新的价值。”这一名称正是资生堂公司形象的反映,是将东方的美学及意识与西方的技术及商业实践相结合,将先进技术与传统理念相结合,用西方文化诠释含蓄的东方文化。