Natural shine and an irresistible sensation. Infused with Miracle Broth, this serum-strength treatment protects and plumps with hydration, for lips that look immediately fuller, healthier and more defined.
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Natural shine and an irresistible sensation. Infused with Miracle Broth, this serum-strength treatment protects and plumps with hydration, for lips that look immediately fuller, healthier and more defined.
雅诗兰黛集团旗下的LA MER海蓝之谜面霜,被誉为化妆品界的奇迹,La Mer的面霜人称“面霜之王”。前太空物理学家麦克斯·贺伯博士(Max Huber)在遭受了严重的灼伤之后苦于无药可医,便亲身投入了研究开发,历时12年、6000次实验之后,终于在1965年发明了海蓝之谜,神奇的面霜让贺伯博士的皮肤重新变得细滑、健康。