Nappa leather and smooth leather Two credit card slots Inside multifunction pocket Zip-top closure fabric lining Handle with 6 1/4 drop 7 1/2 (L) x 4 1/2 (H) x 2 (W) Style No. CM239 | Coach Outlet Nolita 19 With Signature - Black
美国规模最大的奥特莱斯连锁店Premium Outlets的线上购物平台
Nappa leather and smooth leather Two credit card slots Inside multifunction pocket Zip-top closure fabric lining Handle with 6 1/4 drop 7 1/2 (L) x 4 1/2 (H) x 2 (W) Style No. CM239 | Coach Outlet Nolita 19 With Signature - Black
美国经典皮件品牌COACH,一向以简洁、耐用的风格特色赢得消费者的喜爱。而拥有历久弥新之口碑的COACH包包,刚开始的设计灵感竟是来自于一只垒球手套,品牌创立人Miles Cahn在一次观看垒球比赛的现场,惊讶地发现垒球手套具有越用越光滑、越柔软的特性,因此他回去后就试着将皮革特殊处理,使之更 柔软,具有不易脱色、磨损的特性,并且只要简单利用湿布擦拭,就能保有皮件的完美如新,当然这样耐久便利的设计,马上受到广大消费者的喜爱!