用Beauty Works的卷发棒25毫米创造出蓬松的、酷女孩的头发。这款卷发棒可以在所有长度的头发上创造出S型的平坦波浪,25毫米的棒子可以形成更平坦的卷曲形状,并在60秒内达到温度,快速而轻松地进行造型。发现不费吹灰之力的造型,陶瓷涂层的管子密封角质层,防止毛躁,激发出镜面般的光泽,使头发更光滑,更顺滑。
Create tousled, cool-girl tresses with the Beauty Works Flat Iron Curl Bar 25mm. The curling wand creates S-shaped, flat waves on all hair lengths, the 25mm bar formats flatter curl shapes and reaches temperature in 60 seconds for quick and easy styling. Discover effortless styling with ceramic-coated barrels seal the cuticle to prevent frizz and inspire mirror-like shine, for sleeker, smoother waves.
The curling wand has been Programmed with an adjustable temperature of 80-220°C to suit your hair type. Creates ribbons of cascading waves as an edgy and alternative to the glamour wave. Featuring an extra-long wand to heat hair lengths equally from root to tip. Complete with a carry case.