使用这款产品让漂白后的、染后的、或是干燥的秀发重焕活力。富含小麦蛋白和葵花籽提取物,这款再生发膜可提供强劲的补水和保湿效果,同时让秀发从发梢到发根都恢复强度和光泽。使用后,秀发将变得柔软润泽,发色也将得到强化。 Colouring your hair got you down? Help resurrect dry, damaged, bleach or coloured hair with Bleach London Reincarnation Mask. Repair and hydrate thirsty, bleached or coloured hair and improve elasticity with this moisturising hair mask. Enriched with sunflower seed extract and micro wheat proteins to give great shine, strengthen the colour vibrancy and help reduce colour fade. Vegan and cruelty-free. Use after any BLEACH LONDON SHAMPOO.