香缇卡新推出的Just Skin 防晒隔离霜,是一款轻盈的有色保湿防晒霜,集防晒乳霜及调色液于一身。内含无毒矿物防晒剂,新研制的多种植物配方,可以保护皮肤不受自由基、烟雾及阳光的侵害。清爽薄透的妆感,是每天保养不可缺少的最后一道防护,也是妆前最佳的打底产品。 Just Skin 防晒隔离霜的物理性防阳成份,可隔离紫外线带来的侵害。为了维持产品的鲜活度与使用上的便利,香缇卡自然肌肤轻底妆运用日本高科技真空阀设计的雾面管状包装,瓶口在产品挤出后会立即自动封锁,确保产品开封后不受污染、不会暴露于阳光和氧化作用。 Achieve a natural flawless base with the Just Skin Tinted Moisturiser from Chantecaille. Velvety smooth and lightweight, the three-in-one formula effortlessly blends into skin, providing hydration, SPF15 protection and foundation-like buildable coverage. A unique blend of Thyme and Butterfly Bush extracts offer powerful antioxidant benefits, whilst Sodium Hyaluronate helps to seal in moisture. Blemishes and discolouration are concealed and your complexion is left looking naturally perfected.