使用白色陶瓷材质展现品牌经典的椭圆形,适合摆放于小空间,如衣柜或抽屉。香氛可持续约3个月。希腊无花果及白雪松的新鲜木质调香味,彷佛充满夏日阳光亲吻过的气味。 The fig tree in its enchanting entirety: the warmth of its bark, the freshness of its leaves, and the milky sap of its fruit in a scented wax oval framed by a white ceramic ring and set with a rope to slip into drawers or hang in wardrobes. Designed for use in small spaces such as dressers, closets, on door handles. Must be kept out of direct sunlight and stored at room temperature. Do not place in cars.
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