让肌肤重新散发活力 促进肌肤焕发自然光彩,补水滋养 柔滑,一瓶搞定三大肌肤难题 深层滋养立显弹润,选用高浓度天然植物成分,舒缓肌肤,补水滋润,有助于皮肤丰满光滑 焕亮肌肤 有效抗氧,富含Omega脂肪酸和抗氧化物给与肌肤养分,深入皮肤内部,确保肌肤处于健康状态 好吸收质地轻薄,富含营养却不油腻,一抹轻盈柔嫩,拒做油光少女 The Elemis Superfood Facial Oil is a deeply nourishing oil that immediately provides the skin a dose of hydration. It has been specially formulated with a concentration of plant based ingredients that are rich in antioxidants to enhance hydration levels. Flax seed oil and other omega rich ingredients leave the skin feeling supple and soft in this quickly absorbing oil.