全水分配方,能够瞬间被肌肤吸收。内含独特的PHELITY保湿复合物,与皮肤PH值几乎相同,蕴含的植物大豆油能于皮肤表面形成保护层,给肌肤温和的滋养呵护,轻盈绵密的乳霜质地,润泽肌肤,给予肌肤保湿膜,使肌肤柔嫩细滑。 Now with 35% more, our balancing lightweight cream penetrates the skin without leaving a greasy residue.One of our earliest innovations, the Phelityl complex, continues to be an advanced way to provide skin with moisture - by adjusting to the skin's pH and replenishing essential fatty acids for its health. It combines with natural soothing and refreshing agents to regenerate the skin both day and night.