破性技术,开创无限髮色世界,幻光发色,高晰度直接染剂,使发色提升至前所未见的透亮光泽, 变幻多端的塑色效能为Goldwell染发系列带来革新突破让你实现无限染发创造力。
- Creates a new category of hair colour services: Colour Morphing, Colour Boosting, Colour Washing
- 8 high-concentrated tonesfor a unique play of color reflections
- Elevates hair color with unprecedented vibrancy and brilliance, gives up to 63% more shine
- Creates never-before-seen high-definition, multi-dimensional effects
- Boosts the colour intensityof the colour formula by up to 3 times
- Provides long-lasting color results, up to 2x more resistance to color fading
- Integrates easily into your favorite formulations