前调:黑醋栗 紫罗兰;多汁而成熟,为香氛增添些许爽脆之感
中调:虞美人 玫瑰;风中漫舞的红色虞美人,为中调带来一抹绿意花香
后调:大麦 麸皮 白麝香;大麦的醇厚谷香和白麝香交织其间,尽情勾勒出温暖迷人的悠远余味
Iconic, vibrant poppies. Dancing in colour across England's meadows. A lively floral scent, enhanced by rose and violet and topped with juicy blackcurrants. Borrowed from the succulent cereal fields, where grains and flowers mingle, our poppies are cocooned by bran and cotton-soft barley.
This inviting scent is a living landscape: where colourful poppies emblazon the rich gold harvest.