全新NARS六色眼影盘,随时随地打造属于你的精致眼妆。 六种色彩精妙调和,灵感源于世界各地的美丽风景。黄油般细腻的哑光、质感的缎光以及珠光闪片的巧妙拼配,精巧的包装,随心所欲的满足各种场合的需求。 All packed up. And everywhere to see. Make eyes wherever you go with a lineup of six high-impact eyeshadows in one on-the-go palette. A unique curation of shades inspired by destinations around the globe—buttery mattes, lustrous satins, and multi-dimensional glitter formulas—transport you to a place of uninhibited artistry. Six is all you need to get there.