适用于宝宝常用奶瓶和配件的消毒 四分钟即可完成消毒 适用于NUK宽口系列和市面上销售的其他奶瓶(PA材质的除外) 配备奶瓶夹可卫生安全的取出消毒后的奶瓶和配件 适合高187mm,宽度和深度为280mm的微波炉,适合500-1000W功率的微波炉 Please note: This product's outer packaging is damaged. However, the product itself is still in perfect condition. The NUK Micro Express Plus Steam Steriliser provides a quick and gentle method of sterilising your babys bottles and accessories without the need for harsh chemicals. Using the hospital method of steam sterilisation the steriliser is fast and effective, sterilising and disinfecting up to 4 feeding bottles plus accessories in as quick as 4 minutes. Includes: Tongs.