润泽嫩肤焕亮肌肤光采 1.补湿亮泽缓解干燥肌肤,提升后续护肤品保湿效果 2 平衡抗皱 提升肌肤储水量,令肌肤持续水润亮泽 3滋养修护改善皮脂膜,淡化缺水纹 赋予肌肤舒适感受 奢护养肤由内而外 丰盈乳霜质地,质地丰润而轻盈,水润质感富含滋养成分,触感轻盈细腻涂抹间帮助按摩舒缓肌肤,呈现平衡好状态。 Target the signs of ageing as soon as they appear with this incredible anti-ageing formula. Valmont's nourishing and enriching Prime Regnera I cream is formulated to maintain the skin's resilience and elasticity while boosting oxygenation. Its luxuriant and hydrating texture invigorates the skin and gives it a surge of energy that encourages cell renewal. The skin is left glowing and looking perkier. This anti-ageing care is recommended for skin showing the first signs of ageing and lacks firmness and luminosity. Take action against signs of ageing with this pioneering, age-defying solution.