88% Wool, 8% Polyester, 4% Lycra®
flannel, no appliqués, solid color, lapel collar, single-breasted , long sleeves, fully lined, 2 buttons, multipockets, pocket with flap, dual back vents, single-breasted jacket
Length 27.3 inches
88% Wool, 8% Polyester, 4% Lycra®
flannel, no appliqués, solid color, lapel collar, single-breasted , long sleeves, fully lined, 2 buttons, multipockets, pocket with flap, dual back vents, single-breasted jacket
Length 27.3 inches
Brooks Brothers(布克兄弟)创立于1818年,多年来秉承着优质用料、服务至上及不断创新的方针,逐渐地成为一个美国衣着品牌的创造者,以男士商务上班服为主。历年来不少政界领袖如前美国总统肯尼迪、福特、布什及克林顿都是Brooks Brothers的长期捧场客,所以Brooks Brothers更有总统的“御衣”之美誉。此外,Morgans五代及温莎公爵、费正清、加利格兰、华伦天奴、拳手登斯亦是Brooks Brothers(布克兄弟)的拥护者。