Ziip Beauty面部精华|Device & Golden Conductive Gel
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2019 Glamour Beauty Award Winner: Breathe new life into your skin with this innovative at-home skin care technology. Created by a team of skincare experts, electrical engineers, scientists, medical doctors, and researchers—this handheld electrical skincare device works with energetic vibrations that are pushed into the skin through positive-and negatively charged discs on the bottom of the ZIIP device. The result is noticeably younger looking skin with reversed signs of aging, decreased acne marks, youthful eyes, and radiant texture.
How it Works: The ZIIP works by using tiny electrical currents that match the body's own low-frequency electrical current. This helps to increase cell energy and allows for muscle contraction. Micro-currents have been used in medicine for centuries to help heal and regenerate damaged tissue and treat muscle atrophy.
How to Use: Apply a generous amount before every treatment. Golden Gel can be used as an intensive masque on its own for up to 20 minutes.
Ziip Beauty
Ziip Beauty
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Silver Conductive Gel 2.7 oz.
Golden Conductive Gel 2.7 oz.

    Ziip Beauty | Ziip Beauty面部精华|Device & Golden Conductive Gel

    Ziip Beauty | ZIIP Beauty Device & Golden Conductive Gel

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    2019 Glamour Beauty Award Winner: Breathe new life into your skin with this innovative at-home skin care technology. Created by a team of skincare experts, electrical engineers, scientists, medical doctors, and researchers—this handheld electrical skincare device works with energetic vibrations that are pushed into the skin through positive-and negatively charged discs on the bottom of the ZIIP device. The result is noticeably younger looking skin with reversed signs of aging, decreased acne marks, youthful eyes, and radiant texture.
    How it Works: The ZIIP works by using tiny electrical currents that match the body's own low-frequency electrical current. This helps to increase cell energy and allows for muscle contraction. Micro-currents have been used in medicine for centuries to help heal and regenerate damaged tissue and treat muscle atrophy.
    How to Use: Apply a generous amount before every treatment. Golden Gel can be used as an intensive masque on its own for up to 20 minutes.
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