【面料 & 洗涤说明 】
版型宽松,不偏码。模特身高164cm, 身穿XS号(XS号约为美码0-2号)。XS号尺寸: 衣长: 52cm. 胸围: 100cm. 肩宽: 37cm. 袖长: 59cm
秋高气爽的时节少不了针织开衫的暖心陪伴。 Celia开衫采用柔软亲肤的针织面料,简洁大方的V领设计搭配复古优雅的泡泡袖,袖口点缀着精致立体花朵。不论搭配裙装还是裤装,都能让你温婉动人。
A cozy knit cardigan for crisp fall weather. Features a flattering v-neck, modestly puffed sleeves, and minute flower embroidery at the cuffs. Made with a soft cotton blend and cinched at the waist and sleeves for fit.