微精华露(滋润质地)150ml + 特润修护肌活精华露50ml+多效智妍精华乳霜75ml 微精华露(滋润质地)150ml:精华微细渗透,源源浸润,稳定肌底,有效抚褪干纹、细纹,肌肤细致、平滑,促进肌底净澈健康,见证年轻澎弹透亮 特润修护肌活精华露50ml:加速淡纹,细腻毛孔更弹嫩 多效智妍精华乳霜75ml:精华满载,胶原满驻,不松不垮不显纹 This set includes high-performance essentials to wake up to beautiful skin. Treatment Lotion penetrates rapidly to renew, rehydrate and balance the look of your skin. Repair Serum significantly reduces the look of multiple signs of aging caused by the environmental assaults of modern life. Skin looks smoother and less lined, younger, more radiant and even toned. Face Creme helps skin feel significantly firmer, with improved density and elasticity, and dramatically reduces the look of lines and wrinkles.