内含:乳木果沐浴油75ml+身体润肤露75ml+保湿凝霜30ml+滋润护唇膏2g+经典润手霜30ml+足霜30ml 乳木果沐浴油75ml:10%乳木果油,卓效滋养 油状质地,柔润爽滑,让干燥的肌肤回复柔软 迅速润泽每一寸肌肤,遇水混合后形成细腻泡沫 沐浴后不觉干涩紧绷,带走污垢,温和亲肤 肌肤更加柔嫩细滑 乳木果身体润肤露75ml:48小时保湿不黏腻,7天养好肌肤屏障 乳木果保湿凝霜30ml:缓解肌肤干燥不适,卓效保湿,持续清爽水润。 乳木果滋润护唇膏2g:蕴含乳木果油,卓效滋养保护干燥双唇。触感清新顺滑 令双唇柔嫩水润。淡淡的花香,令人心旷神怡。管状小巧外观,方便随身携带 乳木果经典润手霜30ml:8H保湿快速吸收,不留印 乳木果足霜30ml:乳霜质地,丰润柔滑,触感细腻,易吸收不油腻。有效舒缓干燥足部肌肤,改善干纹,持续水感润泽。强化肌肤自身屏障,减少粗糙,更细腻软滑。散发植物自然芳香,更显优雅 Experience the best of shea butter in this exclusive set! When the dry Saharan wind blows, the women of Burkina Faso protect their skin by applying the soft butter extracted from the shea nut. Discover the remarkable benefits of shea butter in this products selection that helps to nourish, soften and protect your skin against external factors. This set includes: Shea shower oil 75 mL, Shea ultra reach body lotion 75 mL, Shea light face cream 30 mL, Shea ultra reach lip balm 2 g, Shea hand cream 30 mL, Shea foot cream 30 mL