优化润泽喷雾是一款超保湿喷雾,可舒缓、平衡和补充肌肤水份。含有芦荟、透明质酸和植物花卉提取物,无重量的配方提供持久的水分和水合作用,同时提供抗衰老功效,帮助减少细纹和皱纹的出现。可单独使用,以改善肤质和肤色,也可以在洁面后使用为后续护肤最大限度地吸收精华液和润肤品做好准备。 This Optimizing Mist is infused with Hyaluronic Acid and Aloe Vera, and botanical extracts to optimize, refresh and hydrate the face and body and reduce wrinkles. By optimizing, the spray interacts synergistically with the NuFACE Gel Primer to keep primer activated and skin moist during the NuFACE treatment. By refreshing, the spray re-energizes skin and makeup for an all-day refreshed look. And by hydrating, the spray moisturizes and hydrates the face and body, leaving skin soft and silky.